Alcan Family Dental offers two types of sedation dentistry.
At Alcan Family Dental, Our sedation helps those who feel anxious and need a way to relax during any of their procedures. Sedation is a great way to help those who need to feel completely at ease. Many people associate sedation dentistry with being “put to sleep.” However, this is not always the case. There are many different types of sedation, and each has its own unique effects. The two most common types of sedation are nitrous oxide sedation, and oral sedation.
It involves breathing in a gas usually called laughing gas, as it is more commonly known. This gas induces a happy state. It may also make you feel light-headed and giggly. The gas works very quickly, reaching your brain in as little as 20 seconds and, inducing relaxation and providing pain relief in two to three minutes. The depth and duration of your sedation can be controlled by your dentist, and there are no after-effects. Since the gas is removed from your body quickly, it’s usually safe for you to drive yourself home following your dental appointment. Inhalation sedation is popular as it doesn’t involve the use of injections or pills. If you require this type of sedation, please let us know.
It involves taking an anti-anxiety pill. Such a pill will relieve your anxiety in the hours before your dental appointment. You may be advised not to drive following taking an anti-anxiety pill, and this means you’ll probably need an escort to your dental appointment. It’s easy to feel disorientated, drowsy, and forgetful following taking anti-anxiety pills, so you may not be able to return to work the same day as using these drugs. In some instances, you may be prescribed a sedation pill as a pre-medication before undergoing intravenous sedation.
We can take walk-ins and emergency dental calls during normal business hours.
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Phone: (907) 562-4774
Address: 2819 Dawson Street Anchorage, AK 99503
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Emergency & Walk-Ins Available